I am proud and honoured to be the Principal of The Rowans, a provision where all stakeholders work effectively and enthusiastically together to ensure continuing success.
The Rowans AP Academy is a provision which enables young people to change the direction of their lives. Through a trauma informed approach, positive relationships and a strong focus on our core values of kindness, commitment and resilience, all pupils have the opportunity to re-engage with education, taking ownership of their lives and their choices.
Together with Trustees, staff and pupils, we have formulated our academy values which we base our daily school life on:
Some fabulous baking this week from both Sapphire and Moses, both showing fabulous cooking skills @MrNorris369382 https://t.co/AUwNQYQddA
Livvie is our interventions star of the week at The Rowans. Her award is proudly presented by Mrs Martin Well done Livvie #EveryInteractionIsAnIntervention https://t.co/41IbwQmjtM
Stevie is attendance star of the week at The Rowans AP. He shows up and doesn’t give up He is working hard towards his qualifications-well done Stevie, we are all proud of you https://t.co/tMzGhWAhdU
Harry, one of our fabulous year 11s, is student of the week @TheRowansAP . He shows commitment every day to his learning and outcomes, as well as being a role model for others. Well done Harry https://t.co/ADXyvXgmd1