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Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 10 and 11 can be a stressful time for pupils as they start new subjects, work hard to meet coursework deadlines and sit exams. To help with some of those pressures and support both pupils and parents/carers, we are introducing a programme called ‘From The Sidelines’.

The programme runs for 24 weeks, introducing a new strategy each week, to use at home, to prepare your child for their exams. This is not about subject knowledge, but instead it is about the conditions in which your child studies away from the classroom giving you practical tips and strategies that you can use at home.

Each week there is a short ‘study hack’ video that lasts approximately 1 min, giving a quick and practical overview of what it is and how to do it. For parents and pupils who want to know more, there is a 15-minute podcast episode linked to the same topic. Each topic also has a summary diagram, providing you with 5 easy steps to follow.

Throughout this academic year we will be sharing the study hack, link to the podcast and the summary diagram each week. These will be shared via email, Facebook and Instagram.

Pupils will also get a chance to view the ‘study hack’ video during tutor time each week. A text will be sent to remind you when we have sent this email. We hope that you will find these resources useful as you continue to work with us in supporting your child as they approach the exam period.

You will find each week on this page as side bar link so you can start your journey to exam preparation.

I have also included parents into the weekly local Kent and Medway apprenticeship email so you can review all of the apprenticeships with your child to see if there are any local apprenticeships they may be interested in.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me using the details below.

Mrs K Martin
Deputy Headteacher

Email: katie.martin@therowansap.co.uk
Tel: 07734975338