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Performance Tables

The DfE does not publish performance data for PRUs or Alternative Provision Academies. We collect comprehensive data to demonstrate that our pupils make good and outstanding progress and that their needs are met. Progress is frequently monitored and our outcomes are analysed against national Progress 8 and Attainment 8 data as well as national PRU/AP data.  In addition, The Rowans has developed its own progress measure, ‘Rowans 6’. Our Annual Performance Data can be found in the link below.

Data Dashboard

The Data Dashboard highlights key performance indicators at three points during the academic year and at the end of the year.  It shows comparisons against national secondary and AP/PRU data and gives contextual information.


Ofsted last inspected The Rowans in December 2021, and judged as outstanding in all categories. A copy of the report (and the previous report) is available to download below.